This Week’s Needs at the Food Closet:
Greetings – Just a special note this week – a very generous box of canned goods was donated a few week’s back. Unfortunately, all the cans had expired many years prior and could not be distributed from the Food Closet. If you are donating from your own home shelves – please remember to check expiration dates. Thank you as always for your generous donations.
Special note: Again this week the highest need is for hearty canned soups – as these are flying off the shelves during the cold weather.
Drop off donations at the Food Closet. Covid is still present, a reminder that the Diocese allows food pantries to remain open during Covid. The Food Closet is taking precautions to protect staff, volunteers, customers and donors using a protocol from Second Harvest, the main Food Closet donor. The address and hours are:
425 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto
-M, T, W, F: 9 am-2:30 pm
-Thursday: 9 am to 2:30 pm
(except 12 pm to 1 pm when closed for staff meeting)
Access is via the blue side door that opens onto Hamilton Street. Please call ahead – (650) 325-3663 to let them know you are coming. Please do not drop off food after hours – it brings up a variety of concerns as people often congregate unsafely after hours to go through the food.
Donating by Check:
You can also donate by check. Check donations will be used to purchase needed shortfall items.
Please write a check to the Downtown Streets Team, and write in the memo line “For Food Closet”.
Checks can be mailed to:
Project Manager
Downtown Streets Team
1671 The Alameda, Suite 306
San Jose, CA 95126
Current Food Donation Requests:
Hearty soups (Ie. -Progresso, Campbell’s Chunky, Healthy Choice or ramen noodles)
instant coffee
Non-food Items
newspaper sleeves
Brown pepper bags with handles
Plastic shopping bags (like Safeway’s)
rubber bands