Prayer & Meditation groups

There are many ways to pray and meditate with St. Mark's for people of every age. You can pray and meditate anywhere you are, whether you're alone or with others! So join us in person or explore these other ways to pray and meditate.

Ignatian Prayer

Praying with Imagination

Learn to pray by imagining yourself in the gospel story!

ASL prayer

Lord's Prayer in Sign Language

A simplified call-and-response version of the Lord's Prayer in ASL.


Breath Prayer

Learn more about using breath prayer to pray without words.

Centering PRayer

Introduction to Centering Prayer

Learn about Centering Prayer from Father Matt

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Walk the Labyrinth

The labyrinth next to St. Mark's Chapel is open 24 hours a day for socially distanced walking, meditation and prayer. Download this flyer for a Labyrinth devotional.

Labyrinth Brochure

Pray with Color

Pray With Color

Pray with pens, markers, colored pencils, or whatever you have on hand!

Evening pryaer for kids

Evening Prayer for Kids and families

A beautiful evening prayer service for kids and families to use at home, designed by our own wonderful Brie Linkenhoker and her staff at Worldview Studios. 

candle walk

Bedtime story candle walk

A bedtime story/evening prayer read-aloud, Candle Walk, from our own parishioner, Iain Greensides, and his children, Emily and Jacob.

4a Jesus face

Children's Devotionals

Sunday morning devotionals for children, and a bedtime story for families -- with more to follow soon!

Worship at St. Mark's

St. Mark's communal worship is both in person and also via livestream or Zoom. 

Sunday 8am

8am Eucharist in person only

Daily Prayer