Thank You and Welcome to Vestry!

This Sunday is the commissioning of the Vestry, with a congratulations to our incoming Vestry members – and deep gratitude to our continuing Vestry and special thanks to our retiring Vestry members! Our St. Mark’s Ministry Teams will be commissioned at our Community Fair in August.

We welcome new Vestry members Jonake Bose, Martha Chan, Tom Jenkins, and Marina Martin and this year’s Vestry leadership: Senior Warden Romain Kang and Junior Wardens Brie Linkenhoker and Jonathan Luk. Our dedicated continuing Vestry members are Alex Dillard, Kathy Gillam, Crystal Larsen, Cheryl Miller, and Randy Smith. Martha Leveque-Eichhorn joins as Clerk and Susan Pines continues as Treasurer. The community is deeply grateful for the gifts that all bring to this ministry.

Special gratitude goes to our retiring Vestry members, who have served their terms so faithfully in this very busy year: Senior Warden Suzanne Bell, Junior Warden Margalynne Armstrong, Lena Chow, and Andrew Bridges. What a blessing their service has been, and their wonderful gifts will continue to be, in our community!

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