Sunday Forum: Ashia Lance’s Documentary “Underdogs”

At the January 14 Forum, St. Mark’s own Ashia Lance will present and talk with us (and sing!) about the inspirational documentary “Underdogs” she produced that will air nationally on PBS stations this year. “Underdogs” is about homeless dogs transformed into adoptable animals through the training efforts of prisoners. Filmed in a Redwood City jail, this documentary follows three minimum security prisoners as they care for and train homeless dogs with behavioral issues that have made the dogs – until now – unadoptable. This film builds empathy and appreciation of positive reinforcement training as a way to transform the lives of the men and dogs alike as they help each other find their way back home. Ashia’s directorial and soundtrack debut began as a community college class assignment, and went on to inspire the drafting of legislation in Oregon (HB 2815).

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