Stewardship Update: St. Mark’s Is Our Thin Space

Dear Parishioners,

We are off to a fabulous start with 34% of our budget raised after the weekend festivities and thoughtfulness of the Stewardship Brunch.

When I think of Stewardship, I am reminded of Nancy Ross’s sermon describing the “thin places” – those places that bring you the closest to God.

My favorite definition is: Thin places are places of energy. A place where the veil between this world and the eternal world is thin. A thin place is where one can walk in two worlds – the worlds are fused together, knitted loosely where the differences can be discerned or tightly where the two worlds become one.

I have several thin places and one of them is sitting in the pews at St. Mark’s and looking around at “my” people, my church, my comfort place and I am at peace regardless of my mindset when I walked in.

I mention thin places as maybe you too were inspired by Nancy’s sermon or have heard the expression before and can picture some event, location or experience at St. Mark’s that fits your definition – think on this and I hope it prompts some consideration around your annual pledge.

Blessings from Mego and Carol, Stewardship Co-chairs

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