Sept 1 Forum: Creation Care and Storyshare

We know that the shortest distance between two people is a story. Stories move us and connect us like no argument or facts ever could. And you don’t need special expertise to share your story. You just need to notice the moments when you’ve experienced God’s presence in your life and in the world. On Sunday, September 1, join Rev. Nick for a forum on connecting with our stories of Creation Care in our lives.

From Sunday, September 1 – October 6, St. Mark’s will join Christians around the world in observing the Season of Creation. This ecumenical focus on Creation Care has helped to galvanize the Christian response to Climate Change on the world scene as well as prompt congregational and personal shifts in our own lives. This season joyfully concludes with the Blessing of the Animals as we observe the Feasts of St. Francis and St. Clare. We hope you’ll start this season in this reflective and joyful sharing of God’s creation together.


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