Pentecost 2024 Recap

Pentecost 2024 was one for the books at St. Mark’s as we worshipped, prayed, feasted, and played together. The Feast of the Pentecost ends the Season of Easter and is often referred to as the Birthday of the Church. In the Book of Acts, scriptures tells of the promised Holy Spirit coming upon the disciples and all those gathered in Jerusalem. 

Rev. Nick preached about the miracle of communication that involves care with speaking and hearing. Matthew Burt, our amazing Music Director, led the congregation with embodied song for our service music. We heard the Acts reading with congregational involvement and creativity. Our younger members ended the service with descending doves in the form of paper airplanes. It was good church!

After worship, we joined the Pentecost Picnic team with Carol Scott, Peter Kidder, Peter Anderson, and Bert Bell, where we bbq’d burgers and hot dogs. We had 1001 varieties of potato salad and other fixings, along with a root beer float stand Lily Dodge and the CYFC sponsored. Trivia was another challenging affair to see who would avoid the dunk tank. 

It was a wonderful Sunday to celebrate this joyful and faithful community and God’s blessings and favor towards us in this Season of Transition. Thank you all, named and unnamed here, who supported and attended this wonderful feast. 

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