2024 Annual Meeting

Vestry and Deanery Delegation Nominees

The Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the following slate of nominees to serve on the 2027 Class of your Vestry here at St. Mark’s, as well as our Deanery delegates for 2024. At the Annual Meeting this Sunday, following 10:00 AM worship, you’ll have the opportunity to affirm this slate of candidates, or to elect by ballot any write-in candidate of your choice. Please prayerfully read about these faithful members of St. Mark’s who have said yes to serving God and you in these coming years.

Vestry Nominees

Jonake Bose

I grew up in India and studied at Woodstock School, an American high school in the Himalayas. I hold a B.A. from Mt. Holyoke College and a Master’s in International Economics from the University of South Carolina. For more than 25 years I served as a SVP at Wells Fargo Bank. My work focused on corporate lending and later program management streamlining business operations. I then pivoted to becoming the Executive Director of Dream Catchers in 2019, a non-profit serving low income students in Palo Alto, California. Prior to that, I volunteered there and joined the Dream Catchers Board in 2018. I am currently an independent college counselor – work I have been doing professionally since 2019. 

I joined St. Marks in 1999. I was looking for a welcoming and inclusive spiritual community where my children could get involved in a variety of ways. Initially my children were part of Bright Lights and then were active in Youth Group, confirmation, Sierra service projects, St. Mark’s retreats. They formed good friendships and we all feel like we are very much a part of the St. Mark’s community. It has been wonderful for me to see my eldest, Zareen, herself become involved at St. Mark’s. She recently just completed a term on the vestry herself. In the past, I have served on the Youth Group Commission, Membership Commission, and other ad hoc activities as needed. I have enjoyed leading a cooking group who would cook a meal for the Bishop when he visited St. Mark’s.

Having been a part of St. Mark’s for over 20 years and seen what a blessing this community has been for so many of us, I look forward to serving at this time of transition supporting St. Mark’s in a way that our community is strong and supportive of the next rector who leads our parish.

Favorite Christian Feast/Holiday and Why: It is probably the 24th Christmas Service. Our family has participated in this service collectively, playing music, participating in the pageant, greeting… I also really enjoy reading as a lector. My father read as a lector (and he read well) at our Church in Calcutta, India and I am glad that I have that same opportunity at St. Marks. On a separate note – I have always enjoyed the St. Mark’s retreat at Bishop’s Ranch.  I know that is not a Christian Holiday or Feast but it is a special time within the St. Mark’s Community.

Martha Chan

I was born and raised in Ohio, attended Episcopal churches with my family through childhood and adolescence, and was confirmed in the church. I moved to northern California in 1968 after college, and eventually became a licensed marriage and family therapist. I worked with the adult mentally ill, then with teens and families, and retired in 2017. My two adult daughters and their families live in the Bay area, and I’m a happily proud grandmother. I came to St. Mark’s 30 years ago, after not attending any church for several decades. I remember feeling the need at the time to reconnect with this aspect of my life, and St. Mark’s was the Episcopal church in our neighborhood. During my first service here, I felt as though I had come home. My late husband, Wah Ho, wasn’t raised in the Christian tradition but was supportive of my decision, and sometimes came to St. Mark’s with me and our granddaughter.

I have been part of the Outreach Commission, Sacred Ground and Becoming Beloved Community. I was a co-leader, with Romain Kang, of a diversity committee for several years. I was a vestry member around 15 years ago and enjoyed learning about and participating in the behind-the-scenes work of the parish. I would like to be part of that work again, including the process of finding our next rector.

Favorite Christian Feast/Holiday and Why: My favorite Christian feast day is Easter, because it is such a time of joy after suffering, and is as much a miracle as Jesus’s birth.

Tom Jenkins

I was born and raised in Franklin, North Carolina, and grew up in the Episcopal Church, where I was confirmed and served as an acolyte throughout my childhood. I attended college at the U.S. Naval Academy, graduating in 2008 and commissioning as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. While in the Marine Corps, I met my wife, Liz, who was also a Marine Corps officer. After living in Stamford, CT for five years, we moved to the Bay Area in 2019. Both Liz and I are employed by Meta. I have also remained involved in the Marine Corps Reserve, and am currently on military leave from Meta and on active duty orders with the Defense Innovation Unit in Mountain View. I also volunteer as a Block Preparedness Coordinator in my neighborhood as part of the City of Palo Alto’s Emergency Services Volunteer program. Liz and I have two children, Tommy, 6, and Lucas, 3, who are full of energy and ensure our home is constantly full of life!

I started attending the 8am service at St. Mark’s in June of last year, after a few years of being away from the Church. I was immediately welcomed with open arms by the clergy and congregation. In the fall of last year, I started serving as a lector at the 8am service. The love, acceptance, and sense of community that exists at St. Mark’s has quickly become a special part of my life. As a member of the Vestry, I look forward to giving back to St. Mark’s and helping navigate the future during this transitional time.

Favorite Christian Feast/Holiday and Why: Easter has always been a very joyful time for me. Growing up in the southern Appalachian mountains, Easter aligned with spring-blooming, which gave extra meaningful symbolism to a time of renewal, rebirth, and resurrection. Additionally, “Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Alleluia” is my favorite hymn and hearing the organ play it on Easter Day has alway been a very spiritual experience for me.

Marina Martin

I wasn’t raised in a religious household (Although my parents were raised Catholic and Lutheran, they became disillusioned and pretty anti-religious as adults). Despite this, I’ve always felt a draw to spiritual life and especially the beautiful traditions of the Anglican and Catholic Churches and teachings of western Buddhism and Taoism. At Carleton College I happened to get a campus job with the Chaplain’s office, and the Chaplain became my most important college mentor, mostly in social justice work.

After college I went to UCLA for medical school and Stanford for residency starting in 2003, then a Masters in Public Health at Berkeley and fellowship training in Geriatrics before joining the Stanford medical faculty in 2011 and setting up the new Geriatrics division. I decided to shift gears in 2023 and left the Geriatrics program in good hands so I can try new things, including writing about health care. This midlife pause has given me a lot more time with my husband, 15 and 10 year old daughters, mom, mother-in-law (St. Mark’s parishioner Beth Roth), grandmother, and friends. 

I began attending Centering Prayer meditation groups at St. Mark’s in 2018 and met Father Matt. He was so understanding and welcoming of my “unchurched” background and lifelong draw to spiritual nourishment that I felt comfortable beginning to attend services in 2019, and St. Mark’s and the teachings of Christianity – especially the contemplative Christian tradition – became a very important part of my life. For the last couple of years I’ve been Vestry Clerk so am familiar with Vestry practices. 

Favorite Christian Feast/Holiday and Why: It is hard to choose a favorite but one that will always be extra special for me is All Saints Day because I was baptized at St. Mark’s on All Saints in 2021 (full immersion in the “Big Dipper!”)

Diocesan Delegation

Chair, Terry Moore

I joined St. Mark’s in 1972, but moved to Trinity when Joe Doss was rector, returning when he departed.  I’ve been a Deanery representative for several decades and enjoy learning about and voting on our role in the wider Episcopal Church beyond St. Mark’s.  I currently participate in Choir, Altar Guild, 8am lector/greeter, Compline, Men’s Group, various weekday evening groups, homeless meals, and plan to resume as a eucharistic visitor and acolyte when those ministries are re-established.  I participated in the Sacred Ground series a few years ago and am peripherally involved in its continuation.  Outside of St. Mark’s, I sing with about a half-dozen groups.  (Yes, I love to blend my voice with others in song.)

Favorite Christian Feast/Holiday and Why: I like the Easter vigil starting before dawn on Easter.  The many scriptural readings (we’ve never done all of them!) are exciting to hear, recounting how God has supported humans since the Creation.

Matthew Burt

Matthew Burt is an organist, choir director, and liturgist with twenty years’ experience of musical leadership in Episcopal congregations, and has been Music Director at St. Mark’s since 2021. He is passionate about helping singers of all levels of musical training to realize their potential as leaders and participants in worship. He holds master’s degrees in theology and music from Oxford, Harvard, and Boston Universities, and is active in the American Guild of Organists, serving as Coordinator of its 2024 National Convention. Matthew lives in Palo Alto with his husband and children.

Favorite Christian Feast/Holiday and Why: I love All Saints’ and All Souls’ Days, because they remind us that we are part of that “great cloud of witnesses” that precedes and follows us in our Christian journey.

Bert Bell

Suzanne, my spouse, is a cradle Episcopalian so when our first child was one and we had purchased a house on Colorado Ave, we began attending St. Marks,  That was in 1991.  I have been on the vestry twice, I took on the responsibility for the Easter Vigil fire many years ago and I regularly attend parish workdays.

I am a software engineer, mostly working on products for other engineers.

Favorite Christian Feast/Holiday and Why: My favorite holiday/season is Advent/Christmas.  I like decorating the outside of the house with lights.

Carla Bliss

As early retirement loomed in 1996 I plan to find a spiritual family that actively practice social justice. St. Mark’s was a perfect fit, especially respecting all faith groups. Having been raised in a strict Lutheran Church and Nursing School, and then no affiliation for 40 years, I was pleased to find my people! Career wise, I practiced at all levels, including counseling, psychiatric, and chemical dependency nursing. My other joys are love of music, gardening, and art. I teach art classes weekly to psychiatric inmates of our county jail through CIC. I am blessed with a family and partner, Jere. A high for me this year was participating in electing Bishop-Elect Rios as a delegate to the diocese.

Favorite Christian Feast/Holiday and Why: My favorite celebratory feast at St. Mark’s is the Maundy Thursday dinner. I love the simple Middle Eastern menu and focus on monastic worship during holy week.

Mildred Jones

I was born in Brooklyn, NY and moved to California 16 years ago to be an active part of my grandson Ravago’s life. St. Mark’s became my church home about 10 years ago.  It has been a rich source of spiritual engagement for me. Through participation in Outreach, Vestry, Sacred Ground,Tuesday Book Group and committees:Discernment,  Search for Associate Rectors,  Transition Committee, my life has been enriched.  Serving as a Diocesan delegate to elect the next Bishop was truly an honor. Continuing to serve as delegate as we welcome a new Bishop will give me an opportunity to be part of the next vision for our church.

Favorite Christian Feast/Holiday and Why: Many holy days are special for me.  Easter and Christmas eve are very moving times.  I have also been quite moved by Good Friday services as a time of reflection, anticipation and renewal.

Jonathan Harvey

I came to St. Mark’s in December of 2015, happily returning to the Episcopal Church after a 20 year absence.  I have been on the Deanery since late 2016, and have enjoyed the insights it has given me into what goes on behind the scenes. I have been especially delighted by St. Mark’s combination of programs about personal spirituality and social engagement and its combination of progressive thinking and traditional liturgy.

I worked for 21 years of my professional life as a software engineer, mainly for medical or aerospace companies. Later, I went to seminary, but decided I was not fully suited for professional ministry. For the last 12 years, I have worked several educational jobs simultaneously, mainly as a private math tutor, but also as a teacher at a science summer camp, and a substitute teacher. My first college degree was in History, which I never used professionally, but I have no regrets about having gotten it.

Favorite Christian Feast/Holiday and Why: My favorite holiday is Advent and Christmas, which I understand is an especially common choice among Anglicans (though notably not Puritans). I like it for the story, the music, and the rituals at home in addition to church.

Walter Underwood, Alternate

Our family has been in the Episcopal Church for nearly 40 years, the past 20 or so at St. Mark’s. I grew up in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), where my father was a minister.

I’ve been in a choir for most of these 40 years. I enjoy Scouting, amateur radio, being an Emergency Service Volunteer, and backpacking. This photo is from a backpacking trip with my son, revisiting places in the Pecos Wilderness where I backpacked with my father. I grew up in Louisiana and can make a pretty good pot of gumbo or jambalaya.

I’m a software engineer specializing in search engines, currently at LexisNexis.

Favorite Christian Feast/Holiday and Why: I’ll have to pick Advent for the music—the hymn Lo how a rose e’er blooming by Praetorius, and the motet No Sad Thought by R. Vaughn Williams.

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