The Rev. Liz Milner grew up in Scotland, and met her husband Marius while they were studying maths together at Cambridge University. She was a maths teacher for 4 years in a high school in London, before moving to California with Marius in 1996. She served as a staff pastor at a local church for 12 years, and completed her MDiv at Fuller Seminary in 2016. She had also started volunteering in the local jails as a chaplain in 2006, and soon discovered her passion and calling to be with incarcerated people! In 2016 she started working in the county jail, and now is Executive Director of Correctional Institutions Chaplaincy ( which provides chaplaincy services for all jails in Santa Clara County), and facility chaplain at the local women’s jail. She was ordained as a priest in the Episcopal Church, in December 2020. She lives in Palo Alto, with her husband and two dogs, and her three adult children are scattered across the U.S.
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