Ice Cream Social–a Hit for Hotel de Zink

This past Tuesday, St. Mark’s threw a delightful Ice Cream Social for our Hotel de Zink guests who are sheltering in the Parish Hall for the month of August. Thanks to all of you who came and who brought ice cream and treats and got to know our guests. As we come toward the end of their stay at St. Mark’s, it has been wonderful to see the myriad meals and care provided every night by St. Mark’s parishioners, and it is a gift to us to be connected to our Hotel de Zink neighbors and learn about their lives – challenges and joys. Susan Dansker and Jenny Jordan, our Hotel de Zink coordinators, have been such gracious and circumspect leaders. They planned the Ice Cream Social as a way to add extra welcome – and a bit of coolness and conviviality on a warm summer night – and it was a big hit, for both our guests and parishioners who attended.

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