News of Prison Ministry…in 1984

It turns out St. Mark’s parishioners have been involved with prison ministry for many years. Reprinted in the January, 1984 Messenger were excerpts from a letter from the Diocesan Ministries Newsletter from then… and current… parishioner Molly Carroll:

“Years ago I had thought about jail ministry, as Matthew 25 has always meant a great deal to me. But in the spring of 1982, I felt called by God to do something for prisoners…The Rev. Brad Hall of St. Mark’s fed me leads, but there was a lot of persistent and frustrating letter writing, phone calls, and an interview to wade through before I arrived at my first Tuesday evening Bible fellowship at Elmwood Center in Milpitas.

…I was surprised at how warmly we volunteers were welcomed and I was, and continue to be, deeply touched by how much the inmates appreciate our coming. I was concerned, also, as to whether I could relate to these men. Another surprise – they are not so different from me! Their spiritual struggles are so like my own. I am moved by their concerns about their Christian faith. Some carry heavy burdens of guilt about their lives and yearn to believe God loves them no matter what. When inmates and outsiders gather together, we are united in a bond of Christian love. Gratitude and aw fill me as I observe the way our faith breaks down barriers that might appear to separate us and how we who come from the outside are often ministered to by those we come to serve in Christ’s love.

Since that first night at Bible Fellowship my ministry has expanded to include participation in Sunday worship servies at downtown Main Jail in San Jose on the 2nd and 5th Sundays of each month. Beginning this fall, the director of chaplaincy has asked me to hold a Bible feowship for the women’s minimum security area at Elmwood. Also there is ‘red tape’ to go through yet but I am hoping to begin a Sunday worship service on the 1st Sunday of each month at the North County jail facility….

All the jails I work in are part of the Sant Clara County jail system. There is Elmwood Rehabilitation Center facility at Milpitas, North County facility at Pao Alto, and Main Jail in downtown San Jose…I word under the directory of Chaplaincy for the Santa Clara County jail system, the Rev. Charles Walker. I also work for and with the Rev. Michael McCue, a jail chaplain and Episcopal Priest. I work with other Episcopalian volunteers from St. Timothy’s, Mountain View, St. Thomas, Sunnyvale and St. Andrew’s Saratoga.”

St. Mark’s Messenger – January, 1984

Our own Rev. Liz Milner is the chaplain for CIC Ministries and you can join other volunteers from St. Mark’s to be a part of this important ministry!! There are many different ways to help.


St. Mark’s Archive; St. Mark’s Church; Palo Alto, CA

1 thought on “News of Prison Ministry…in 1984”

  1. Mary Catherine(Molly) Carroll

    Epilogue: I did end up at North County jail, a maximum security facility housing accused murders, rapists, etc. . First, I did team teaching there with another Episcopalian at a Bible study on Tuesday night. After he suddenly left, I taught alone. And I visited individual prisoners, at their request, during the week. Once a month I lead a Sunday service with a wonderful musician from Christ Church, Los Altos. I also allowed inmates to write letters to me which I always answered. They were given the address of the Correctional Institutions Chaplaincy, Milpitas, who re packaged the letters and sent then to my address. The only other spiritual experience offered there was a Roman Catholic Sunday mass. This jail was “my” special space and the ministry meant the world to me. I was so grateful to have this opportunity given me by the head of the chaplaincy who years before I had to convince to let me do any jail ministry because he said they had had problems with women giving their phone numbers to inmates. After a few years, this little jail, housing about 50 inmates, became a holding area for daily cases in the North County Courthouse above, and no one lived there anymore. I spent 10 deeply meaningful years in jail ministry, mostly at this maximum security facility.

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