The Vestry met on July 11, 1962. Spencer Rice was the Rector. After approving the Treasurer’s Report and the minutes of the previous meeting, the Vestry discussed the problem of the many hours of volunteer work required by Mrs. Lane to tabulate and send the quarterly statements. It was decided that the Parish was in need of a full-time secretary. They decided to hire Margaret Cowans, sister of Bill Cowans (who was curate at St. Mark’s from 1961-63) (Legacy).
The Vestry voted to recommend Bill Cowans for ordination and to give him an ordination gift of a collection of candid camera pictures taken during St. Mark’s services.
There was a general discussion of the appropriate rules for outside groups using the parish, the need for a master plan governing the use of all of the church’s electronic equipment, and authorization to purchase a mechanical leaf raker for $50. Mr. Miller was asked to do a comprehensive review of the present insurance coverage for the buildings.
Rev. Rice informed the Vestry that Bishop Pike had called him to let him know that Bishop Hines of Texas had called him to let him know that Canon West (former Rector of St. Mark’s) was renouncing the Episcopal ministry and could possibly be returning to Palo Alto. Bishop Pike requested that he would like to be notified immediately if any of the Vestry or the Rector have “information concerning Canon West – or that he has returned to Palo Alto” (Vestry Minutes).
Finally, Rev. Rice asked for comments from the Vestry as to what people outside of the Parish thought of St. Mark’s. He urged the Vestry to remember that the relationships of the people at St. Mark’s were just as important as the “material” concerns of the Parish. He suggested that they form a committee to explore in more detail “these fundamental problems of our parish and that he would hope these spiritual problems could be discussed at all regular vestry meetings, as well as the business problems” (Vestry Minutes).