Good-Reads Book Discussion 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM This group meets bi-monthly via Zoom on Thursday afternoons. Contact Marie Highby for more information and Zoom link! We read spirit-filled, typically modern Christian, books. Discussions focus on a few chapters at each meeting providing the opportunity to learn from each other as we are progressing through the […]
We are hosting a prayer service at St. Mary Magdalene’s Chapel for Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice on Sunday, August 11th at 7 p.m. Please join us! For questions please reach out to Carla Bliss or Susan Dansker
On Sunday, August 18th, our 10am service will include the Blessing of the Backpacks! Students – any age, any grade! – and teachers are invited to bring their school bag to church to receive a special blessing and gift.
Commission and Ministry Leaders invited to the upcoming Summer Leadership Lunch and Learn on Sunday, August 18 following the 10 AM service. Like our Lunch and Learn in the Spring, we’ll gather as leaders, learn from each other through conversation, and inspire each other as we look ahead for the coming year. August 18 – Leadership Lunch and […]
The St. Mark's Book Club is a group of dedicated readers who gather to discuss great books! We meet every 3rd Tuesday of each month at 2 p.m Email Kathy Gillam,, for more information and to be added to the group email.
Good-Reads Book Discussion 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM This group meets bi-monthly via Zoom on Thursday afternoons. Contact Marie Highby for more information and Zoom link! We read spirit-filled, typically modern Christian, books. Discussions focus on a few chapters at each meeting providing the opportunity to learn from each other as we are progressing through the […]
Saturday, August 24 is our next workday, beginning at 9:00 a.m. and ending around 12:00 p.m. We will be focused on setting up canopies, seating, and tables for this outside event in the general agape area and adjacent parking lot. Outside areas requiring attention will be the parking lot areas — especially raking up leaves, […]
Plan for a wonderful celebration of ministry and OPPORTUNITY, with good food, delightful music, and fun new twists – and a dive into ministries we share and the many ways we can ALL participate in the coming year. It’s right after the traditional – and fabulous! – 10:00 a.m. Jazz Eucharist.