
Religion, Race, and the “Heathen”

Parish Hall 600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto, CA, United States

The fourth event in the speaker series, Community, Faith, and Racial Justice. This series on racial injustice in America explores the role of Christianity, including the current white Christian Nationalist movement, in […]

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Party

Parish Hall 600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto, CA, United States

Join us in the Parish Hall for our annual Pancake Supper Party! Enjoy a fun meal, pancake-themed games, and some great entertainment from a local performer. Bring friends!

Ash Wednesday Noon Service

Sanctuary 600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto, CA

The first of the forty days of Lent, named for the custom of placing blessed ashes on the foreheads of worshipers at Ash Wednesday services. The ashes are a sign […]

Ash Wednesday Evening Service

Sanctuary 600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto, CA

The first of the forty days of Lent, named for the custom of placing blessed ashes on the foreheads of worshipers at Ash Wednesday services. The ashes are a sign […]