Prayer & Worship

Palm Sunday Service & Procession

Labyrinth Patio 600 Colorado Avenue, Palo Alto, CA

Our 10:00 a.m. service will involve a procession around the campus, led by children carrying our HOSANNA banner. All are welcome to join!

Maundy Thursday Dinner & Service

Parish Hall 600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto, CA, United States

At 6:00 in the Parish Hall, we will gather for a monastic style dinner. At 6:45, we will process to the Sanctuary for a service and traditional footwashing. Feel free […]

Good Friday Confession

Sanctuary 600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto, CA

Confession will be held in the Old Narthex of our church sanctuary. You can come at 11:00 a.m. or contact the clergy to make an appointment.

Good Friday Services

Sanctuary 600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto, CA

We will hold a contemplative Good Friday service at 12:00 p.m. following the time set aside for confession.

Sunrise Easter Vigil

Labyrinth Patio 600 Colorado Avenue, Palo Alto, CA

Our sunrise Easter vigil is held outdoors to welcome in the dawn. It features a bonfire and creative storytelling from various community members.

Easter Festival Eucharist

Sanctuary 600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto, CA

Celebrate the Resurrection with a festive Eucharist service featuring flowers, music, and special activities for children.