when and where
May 21, 2023 | 11:15 am - 2:00 pm
Hoover Park
event information
Join us for a Potluck Picnic with staff transitions, games, trivia contest, good home-made food and downright FUN!
Sunday, May 21st after the 10am service at Hoover Park (next to the church parking lot)!
Please sign up to help by bringing something to share (instructions are in the sign up sheet)
We also need people to help set up and clean up…set up:
Set up:
A) At 9am to help bring stuff to the Hoover Park (report to the parish hall at 9am) or
B) At 11:15am (report to the kitchen after the 10am service)
Clean Up: be ready to transport items back to the church and help clean items in the kitchen
The church will supply drinks. It takes a village!
event link
event RSVP
organizer information
St. Mark’s Church
View Organizer Website