when and where
April 6, 2023 | 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Parish Hall
600 Colorado Ave
Palo Alto,
United States
event information
Maundy Thursday Services
6:15pm: Meal, Eucharist,
and Stripping of the Altar
(service begins in the Parish Hall)
This Eucharist commemorates Jesus’ Last Supper with his disciples in the tradition of the North African desert monasteries. It reflects Jesus’ bittersweet farewell, in which he tells them of his love and makes one last attempt to illustrate the ministry to which he calls them by doing the work of a menial slave in washing their feet. It is this focus that gives the day its name. Mandatum, commandment in Latin,
became “Maundy” in English. “A new commandment I give, that you love one another as I have loved you.” The service begins in silence, with the Liturgy of the Word. We then process, chanting, to the church for the Eucharist. The altar is stripped and all ornamentation removed from the church in preparation for Good Friday. We depart in silence.
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organizer information
St. Mark’s Church
View Organizer Website