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Guest Forum & Sermon With Dr. Travis Stevens

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November 10, 2024 | 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Kennedy Room – St. Marks
600 Colorado Ave
Palo Alto, California 94306

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Our Episcopal Chaplain to Stanford, Dr. Travis Stevens, will visit St. Mark’s November 10. Travis will preach and lead a forum as we celebrate the mutual ministry St. Mark’s supports for the Progressive Christians at Stanford, Episcopal Lutheran Campus Ministry. Travis also serves as Vocations Director for the Diocese and in that role supports Debie Thomas, who St. Mark’s is sponsoring for ordination in the Diocese of California.


Originally from Texas, Travis moved to California to attend the University of Southern California, where he studied music and French. It was at USC where he first participated in campus ministry and found other Christians interested in queer inclusion. “My church community’s radical welcome made me realize how critical the study of theology could be,” Travis says.


Travis moved to Massachusetts to attend Harvard Divinity School, where he earned an MDiv and went on to receive his doctorate in the history of Christianity, specializing in mystical theologies of suffering and love. Travis moved to the Bay Area in 2009 to be with his partner, Kerry, and worshiped at Holy Innocents in San Francisco before serving as a cantor and section leader at St Luke’s.


Travis has held teaching positions at Santa Clara University, Seton Hall University, and Pacific School of Religion. He also has experience in the diocese in guiding others discerning a call to ordained ministry; he served on the Commission on Ministry, the Board of Examining Chaplains, the board of the School for Deacons, and as a consultant on diaconal formation. Travis is thrilled to be able to accompany others in practices of spiritual discernment, both as the vocations officer and as a university chaplain.