Brunch and 2025 Pledge Campaign Launch: Sunday, October 20

You are invited, Sunday October 20, to the annual brunch and launch of our 2025 Pledge Campaign. St. Mark’s largest financial support comes from each of you through a financial pledge commitment in addition to your time and talents for ministry.

Sunday, October 20, we’ll hear from our own Marina Martin, this year’s stewardship preacher, as we launch our 2025 Pledge Campaign: Grace in Action. Following church, we’ll have an opportunity to review the projected budget for 2025 and join together for a brunch sponsored by the Stewardship Commission.

Look for a mailing around October 15 with more information to share and prepare you for this year’s campaign. We rely on and are thankful for your generous support of St. Mark’s, especially as we continue in this Season of Transition.

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