Thank you for bringing linens for Hotel de Zink and LifeMoves on Sunday, July 28. LifeMoves, which serves so many of our unhoused neighbors, has let us know (at our asking what they could use) that they need 100 BATH TOWELS. Surely that’s something we can provide here at St. Mark’s! Please bring clean bath towels to church on Sunday, August 11 and leave them on the couch in the Kennedy Room.
To make our guest feel extra-welcomed, we are planning an Ice Cream Social for our guests on Tuesday, Aug 20th. Donations of ice cream for that event is very much appreciated.
Thank you for signing up for MealTrains to provide a hearty dinner for our guest during the month of August. All the dates have been filled! Please note that the number of guest this year has been changed from 20 to 12!
Questions? Email Susan Dansker at