all are welcome

Lifelong Christians and folks who aren't really sure about church; those asking questions or seeking healing and forgiveness; LGBTQ+ or straight; single, partnered, married, or divorced; young, old, or somewhere in between: you are welcome here. All who seek Christ are invited to the table, without exception.

Worship with us


8am Eucharist: spoken Rite II service in our chapel; in person 
10am Eucharist: liturgy with music & choir; in person and livestreamed

daily prayer

featured news

Fun & Fellowship at the 2024 Parish Retreat

Last weekend, over 60 St. Markers gathered at the Bishop’s Ranch for our annual parish retreat. Our theme was The Living Word: Helpful & Hopeful Approaches To Scripture. Nancy, Nick, Matthew and Lily led an intergenerational program that included word-themed games, Bible tableaus, group discussions, and music. Debbie and Randy hosted another fun variety show….

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Brunch and 2025 Pledge Campaign Launch: Sunday, October 20

You are invited, Sunday October 20, to the annual brunch and launch of our 2025 Pledge Campaign. St. Mark’s largest financial support comes from each of you through a financial pledge commitment in addition to your time and talents for ministry. Sunday, October 20, we’ll hear from our own Marina Martin, this year’s stewardship preacher,…

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Mid Peninsula CROP Walk – Sunday, October 27

Walk with the St. Mark’s CROP (Common Response to Overcoming Poverty) Walk team on Oct. 27, 2024 Sunday afternoon, starting at 1:00 p.m. at St. Raymond’s Catholic Church, 1100 Santa Cruz Ave, Menlo Park, CA 94025. Come meet the teams from other faith communities and walk in solidarity for those who must walk miles for…

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Save the date: Sunday, October 27 | Second Strategic Stakeholder Conversation

Save-the-date on Sunday, October 27 for the second of three strategic stakeholder conversations. These conversations will cover five different areas as part of a Fall Vestry Initiative. In September, over 60 St. Markers participated in our first round of these conversations. This effort continues the Vestry’s attention on the strategic planning begun in 2022 and continuing…

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Diocesan Convention – October 25-26

The 175th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of California will convene October 25-26 at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco. The Episcopal Church, from its founding, uses a shared model of governance among clergy and baptized membership. The Annual Convention is traditionally a gathering to tend to the shared governance of the Diocese and supporting the…

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Pre-Election Vigil at Forum Hour, Sunday, November 3

Beloved, we are coming to the end of this election season with races up and down the ballot impacting our common life. Sunday, November 3, around 11:30 am, Rev. Nick will offer a vigil space for anyone to pray and share our own sense of how we go through the days following the election, come…

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who we are

St. Mark’s is a welcoming, progressive church that believes all are welcome at God’s banquet table. 

worship with us

At the very center of our life together is worship, expressed in ritual, prayers, music, and spoken words.


grow in faith

Learn about all of the ways you can join us for fellowship and spiritual growth. 

newcomers welcome!

Share your contact info so we can stay in touch, and let us know what groups you'd like to learn more about.


600 Colorado Ave, Palo Alto CA, 94306