Rev. Nick to Attend Air Force Chaplain Training


Alleluia! Christ is risen!

How wonderful it is to celebrate the joy of Christ’s resurrection with you this year. A special word of thanks to the many who stepped forward to serve during Holy Week and on Easter!

It is a beautiful time of year in California and at St. Mark’s as we continue in the Season of Transition. In March we commissioned the Search Committee, and I bid your prayers as they embark on this ministry together. We also held a leadership luncheon to carry forward items related to our strategic planning and vestry goals from this past year. We’re conducting listening conversations with ministry leaders over the next few months gathering information and reflections in support of this work. We look ahead to Pentecost on May 19 when we will commission our new Vestry and Wardens as well as our party at our Parish Picnic. Resurrection is ready here at St. Mark’s!

Some of you will know that next Tuesday, I will be heading back East to attend the Basic Chaplains Course from April 16 – May 17 at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, AL. This was the same base where my previous training was held, and I’m thankful this one doesn’t require a 4:30 AM wakeup call. We were reminded from my absence in the fall that we have a remarkable staff, wardens, and parish leadership. This will be the final extended length time away from the parish or Sunday away for my Air Force service during my tenure as Interim Rector. I look forward to being back with you for our Pentecost celebration!

As I remember you in my prayers each day, I’m thankful to God for the gift of your presence and ministry here at St. Mark’s. See you Sunday!


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