Forum: Becoming Beloved Community in 2025: Local Advocacy and Media Issues

Sunday, February 16, 11:30 a.m.

How can we become beloved community to others and each other in 2025? Gather with the BBC Task Force to talk about how we can achieve this goal as a community living in our divided country: What changes may we expect from the media and how can we take meaningful social justice action locally? Parishioner Diane Guinta will describe the local action that Showing Up For Racial Justice Santa Clara County (SURJ SCC) does, how they work with accountability partners and how you can be involved in meaningful racial justice work in our county. Lisa Kreiger, journalist for The San Jose Mercury News and Journalism instructor at Santa Clara University, will speak about what we can expect in media coverage and how to acquire accurate information about political issues, as well as sharing her insights on public health issues.

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